Medical coding can be defined as assigning of codes to medical diagnosis and procedures that assist in the financial reimbursement of a patient from insurance companies and the government. The person who does this job of coding and decoding is called as an administrative medical specialist.
Medical coding is all about translating the physician or doctor$%:s observations about any medical procedure into alphanumerical codes that describe what type of treatment was provided to the patient and the details of the same. Insurance providers use these codes to reimburse the patient in question.
The ever-changing state of technology and procedures that are used in allopathic medicine makes it hard and complicated for laymen to understand the medical terminology used by the doctors or physicians. By giving exact codes to define procedures it becomes easier for all the parties involved to comprehend the procedures and compensate the person in question.
According to the United States Department of Labor Statistics, health information technicians such as medical coding and health insurance specialization are one of the fastest growing health occupations for the next decade. These careers are challenging, exciting and satisfying. Hospitals, health centers, doctors, insurance companies, health maintenance organizations, and government agencies engage these specialists. Some work from home as autonomous consultants using medical billing and coding programs and other computer software, and others use office space for this job.
A medical coders job is challenging because the coder has to keep pace with the changing procedures and regular advances in technology. This means that the coder has to learn new procedures and terms so that he can perform the job in an efficient manner.
Medical coders also take on huge financial responsibilities because the amounts involved may be astronomical since allopathic treatment is expensive anywhere in the world. These coding methods also provide an important function for physician reimbursement, hospital payments, benchmarking measurement and the compilation of general medical statistical data.